Hello Learners, Today we will learn What are the Services of Internet?
In this post, I will explain the different Services of Internet.
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Note - The only purpose of this article is to tell you about explaining what are internet services in very simple language. This article has been written by an expert, if you think this article can be improved further, then you must give us feedback.
What is Internet?
The Internet is a large group of computer networks around the world that are linked together via the standard protocol TCP/TP (Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) to serve users around the world.
The Internet is a network made up of networks from all over the world. There are various features of the internet in today's era.
Today we are using the Internet through wireless and optical networking technologies and this facility is available in every local area.
The primary goal of the Internet is to facilitate any type of information sharing with Internet users. There are various uses of internet in our daily life.
I hope you understand this.
What is Services of Internet?
Internet services mean that part of data and Internet services are public so that any user can use Internet services. Such as - Internet access, email facilities, web-page facilities, etc.
To understand it in simple language, Internet services are those services which you use to do your daily work. For example, sending or receiving emails, browsing the web, listening to online songs, etc.
The Internet provides all kinds of services to its users so that we can get any type of information from the Internet as per our requirements.
If you are using all types of Internet services, then first of all you have to connect your device to the Internet, then only you will be able to use Internet services.
In today's time, you can upload and download any type of data with the help of using internet services, like - audio, video, text file, other documents, files, or data. So that you can download these files or data from any part of the world.
In this post, we will tell you in detail about all the services provided by the Internet.
What are the Services of Internet?
There are 10+ different services of internet, which names are given below.
- Electronic Email
- Video Conference
- Instant Messaging
- E-Commerce
- Web Services
- Telnet
- File Transfer
- Internet Relay Chat
- VoIP
- Newsgroup
- Electronic Fax
- World wide web
You can also call all these points examples of internet services.
Electronic Email
An email is a means of exchanging messages between individuals using electronic devices. The messages are delivered to the recipients as a computer file through the Online/Internet.
It is commonly used for exchanging business or personal messages. There are various Uses of Email.
Email is a good mode of communication for its prompt delivery, low cost and benefits of written messaging.
An email system creates a set of mailboxes, each capable of handling a different type of message. Emails are a quick way to communicate with customers and colleagues.
Do You Know - Advantages and Disadvantages of Email
Video Conference
Picture of Video Conferencing
Video Conference is a form of electronic communication between two or more parties on computers, telephones, video screens, etc. over a public/private computer network.
The purpose of video conferencing is to allow users to share content, conduct training, and review documents.
Advanced video conferencing allows you to hold high-definition video conferences over the Internet.
Video conferencing can be done from a computer, phone, or video screen. Video conferencing enables you to share content like high-definition videos and slides.
In one word Video Conferencing is a type of technology used to communicate over long distances. Video Conferencing uses video display technology to communicate.
There are various types of video conferencing applications are available nowadays, that you can use for video conferencing.
Zoom - Zoom is a video meeting software launched by Zoom company on October 12, 2011. Through Zoom, you can have all kinds of virtual meetings. For example, business meetings, personal meetings, webinars, online classes, etc.
Zoom application supports a wide variety of operating systems. Like - As android Windows, OS X Mavericks, iOS, Chrome OS, Linux, etc. Zoom also supports about 11 languages.
Zoom has both free and paid plans, you can choose any free or paid plan according to your need.
Skype - Skype is also a video meeting software, which was finally launched on 29 August 2003 by Skype Technologies. You can also have all kinds of virtual meetings through Skype.
For example, business meetings, personal meetings, webinars, online classes, etc. The Skype application supports all types of operating systems. Like - As android Windows, iOS, Chrome OS, Linux, etc.
Meet - The meet is a video-conferencing service developed by Google. Google company finally launched Google Meet on March 9, 2017. Meet provides a completely free video conferencing service to its users, i.e. Google does not give any amount to the company for you to use Google Meet.
Google Meet is also available only on these three platforms - Android, iOS, and Web. You can also have all kinds of virtual meetings through Google Meet.
Slack - Slack is a video messaging program and application specifically designed for the workplace. Slack is an American-based software that was launched in August 2013 by Slack Technologies.
Through this platform, you can do all kinds of virtual meetings. Slack is only available on all three platforms - Windows, iOS, and Web.
Instant Messaging
Picture of Instant Messaging Sites
Instant messaging allows the exchange of virtual messages between two or more users over the Internet. The messages are transmitted immediately, as opposed to being stored and sent at a later time, as email messages are.
Instant messengers are installed on the user's computer and on the remote computer with whom the user wishes to communicate.
They allow synchronous communication, meaning that both users are present at the same time.
Therefore, it is possible to see who is online as well as to have an "instant" conversation. Asynchronous communication is also possible, which means that users can send messages while they are offline.
In this case, the message is sent by email, the Internet, or third-party software. There are various messaging apps, which names are given below.
WhatsApp - WhatsApp is a very popular instant messaging application, which is used by almost everyone in today's time. WhatsApp has two billion monthly active users all over the world.
Logo of WhatsApp
WhatsApp is an American-based messaging application, WhatsApp allows its user to message for free, WhatsApp messaging application does not charge any charge from its user. WhatsApp messaging app was launched in January 2009.
Using WhatsApp, you can send instant messages to any of your friends, colleagues, and your family members and you can also make voice calls and video calls through WhatsApp.
Messenger - Messenger is a very popular instant messaging application, which is used by almost everyone in today's time. Messenger has 1.3 billion monthly active users all over the world.
Messenger is an American-based messaging application, Messenger also allows its users to message for free, the Messenger application is developed by Meta company. Using Messenger, you can send instant messages and make voice calls to any of your friends, colleagues, and family members.
Telegram - Telegram is also a cloud-based instant messaging service app, which allows you to send end-to-end encrypted messaging. Telegram was launched by Telegram Messenger Inc on August 14, 2013. Telegram is available for every platform. Like - Android, iOS, iPad, watchOS, Windows, macOS, Linux etc.
In today's time Telegram has also become a very popular instant messaging platform and today Telegram is available in 58 languages, so Telegram has 500 million monthly active users worldwide.
Note - The basic requirement for good Video Conferencing is:
- Both Sender and Receiver should have a good internet connection.
- The sender and Receiver both must have a webcam.
- To do videoconferencing, both of them must have videoconferencing software. Like - Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, etc.
E-Commerce is the selling of products, services, or information over the Internet. One of the first examples of E-Commerce was when IBM started selling computer software and hardware over the Internet. Since then, E-Commerce has grown tremendously.
Companies are now able to sell their products and services over the Internet and still maintain high-profit margins.
On This time E-Commerce is one of the fastest-growing business models in the world. But be prepared to do hard work at it.
E-commerce enables the buyer to purchase a product or service directly from the seller, anywhere in the world, at any time.
The purpose of E-commerce is to increase customer satisfaction and to increase customer lifetime value.
Web Services
If you need to create a business application that needs to store, retrieve, search and update data on the net, Web Services can be of help. It is a platform that allows various application programs to connect and exchange data over the web.
Web Services is a combination of standards and software that makes it easier for different applications to share data and processes.
Web Services is a cross-platform framework that binds together different applications. Web services are a technology that allows software programs to send and receive information over the Internet.
Web services provide a way for the exchange of information between companies, eliminating the need to develop software applications that can only be used with a single system.
Web Telnet is an Internet protocol that emulates the traditional Telnet application over the HTTP Protocol.
It is used for the same basic purpose as the TCP/IP Telnet protocol, that is, for remote login to another system via its command-line interface.
Web Telnet is a protocol based on the HTTP protocol, which means it works on top of the TCP/IP protocol.
Web Telnet is used as a Telnet client and server. In its client form, Web Telnet displays a Telnet window that allows a user of a web browser to act as if he were running a Telnet client locally on the host system.
In its server form, a Web Telnet server provides a web browser interface to an actual Telnet server program.
Web Telnet server code is typically integrated with a host application, such as an HTTP web server, rather than run as a separate server process.
File Transfer
Picture of File Transfer - Internet Services
File Transfer is the process of transferring files between two computers or computer networks.
The most common method of file transfer is the copying of files from one hard disk to another using the same computer.
This can be done using a desktop computer or an external device such as a USB flash drive or a USB drive.
File transfer is often used by individuals to securely move files between home and office computers, but it can also be used by businesses to transfer large files to employees who are working from a remote location.
File transfer is one of the most important processes and is used in data transfer, program updates, online games, etc.
File transfer is executed and controlled by a protocol. Several protocols are used in file transfer such as FTP, HTTP, SCP, etc.
Internet Relay Chat
Picture of Internet Relay Chat
File Internet Relay Chat or FIRC is an open-source program. It helps in connecting users together to chat. With the help of Internet Relay Chat, users can chat with multiple people at the same time.
Users can also send each other files through this program. They can also be part of voice-chatting and video-chatting. FIRC has a large number of features. Many additional features are also available as add-ons.
In one word File, Internet Relay Chat is a protocol that allows users to chat with each other through a server network via text messages. The content of the message can be any kind of data, including text and images.
The full form of VOIP is Voice over Internet Protocol. Through VoIP, we get to know how to make phone calls on the Internet and how to receive others' calls. Many people believe that VoIP is a good alternative to landline.
Through VoIP technology, we can make internet voice calls, so that we get rid of the traditional or analog phone lines.
Some VoIP services only allow you to call other VoIP users, that is, you can only call users who use VoIP, while other technologies allow you to make calls to any mobile phone, including landlines and local/international lines.
If you have an Internet connection or are a regular Internet user, you can call anyone via the Internet without using any phone service, as VoIP is an open standards-based technology, which VoIP can be used on any computer system.
Newsgroups are active communities of online users who have specific interests and tastes and can be joined by anyone of any age.
Everyone can be a part of it, even you and me. Newsgroups do not have any access barriers, you do not need to have a unique email address or a good computer to join them.
Just visiting newsgroups and registering yourself is enough to become a part of that community and start sharing your views and knowledge with others; you also get to know their views and opinions.
The biggest benefit of newsgroups is that you will be able to access a wide range of information pertaining to your interests and from people from all over the world.
Electronic FAX
Electronic Fax or EFax is the technology that is used to send the document directly to the recipient via the internet.
We can direct the document to the recipient via e-mail and then the application will convert the received document into fax format if the recipient's email account is not configured to accept the email.
The application will also be sending fax confirmation to the sender to assure the caller that the document has been delivered or not.
E fax is an excellent way to communicate quickly and save paper. An e-fax is just an attachment that is sent by email as an attachment, and the recipient can then use it in the same manner as a fax machine.
World Wide Web
The World Wide Web (usually abbreviated as WWW or WWW) is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed over the Internet.
This system is based on the client-server model and is usually powered by Web servers. These servers contain HTML documents and multimedia objects.
The term "World Wide Web" first appeared in a science paper in 1990. As its name suggests, the WWW is a worldwide hypermedia information retrieval system.
Services Provided by Internet
People use these internet services to fulfill their needs and make their life easier. The Internet offers you all kinds of services. In today's time, everyone uses internet services. Like - Student, Teacher, Businessman, Shopkeeper, Customer, etc.
There are various services provided by the internet, which services names are given below.
- Communication Services
- Information Retrieval Services
- World Wide Web Services
- Web Services
- Directory Services
- Automatic Network Address Configuration
- Network Management Services
- Time Services
- Usenet
- NewsGroup
- Ecommerce
We have explained all these in detail above.
FAQ Related to Internet Services
How many types of Internet services are there?
There are various types of internet services, which are given below.
- Cable Internet
- DSL Internet
- Satellite Internet
- Mobile Internet
- Broadband
What are the Popular Services of Internet?
There are some popular services on the internet, which are given below.
- YouTube
- Search Engines
- WWW Services
- Communication Services
- Web Services
- Ecommerce
- Network Management Services
How to find people on the internet?
Finding people on the Internet is easy and difficult. Sometimes it happens that you find a person very quickly, but sometimes it also happens that you search for hours and still do not find that person. Today there are many such sites on the Internet, where you can search for any people. The names of those sites are given below.
Communication services of Internet
There are various communication services in internet, which names are given below.
- VoIP
- Instant Messaging
- Internet Relay Chat
- Online Chat
- Video Conferencing
Is communication services on the internet?
Yes, communication is very popular and the most used services are also of internet.
Read Basic Fundamentals of Computer System
- What is Computer?
- What is CPU?
- What is Software?
- Components of Computer System
- Parts of Computer
- Generations of Computer
- Classifications of Computer
- Applications of Computer
- Applications of Internet
- Uses of Computer System
- Functions of Computer
- Uses of Computer Graphics
- Uses of Mobile Phone
- Uses of Laptop
- Types of Laptop
- Different Types of Computer
- Types of Web Browser
- Block Diagram of Computer
- Advantages of Computer
- Disadvantages of Computer
- Characteristics of Computer
- Limitations of Computer
- Capabilities of Computer
- Elements of Computer System
- Structure of Computer
- Names of Computer
- What is Accuracy in Computer ?
- What is Speed in computer?
- Types of Operating System
- What is Portable Computer and its types?
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone
- Examples of Hardware
- Examples of Utility Software
- Examples of Web Applications
- Parts of Keyboard
- Parts of Mouse
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- Parts of Scanner
- Parts of Computer for Kids
- Components of Internet
- Elements of Network
- Types of Internet Connections
We hope that you have fully understood about internet services & services provided by internet, if you still have not understood, then please comment on us.
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Thank you so much for giving these details about Internet Services. It is very useful for my seminar which I will take next week.